Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I notice the circle of life each year at this time. One day I am celebrating another year of life that I have been given and the next day is the anniversary of my mother’s death. It is so evident each year at this time of the joy and sorrow that surrounds each of us. Both of these days in their own way remind me of the precious gift that life is and how I am to cherish each moment. I am thankful for my life, but I grieve for my mother. Although it has been eight years, my heart still aches for the amazing woman I called mom. As my dear friend Becky stated regarding the death of one’s mother, “It seems that you never get over it, but you learn to make it part of your life.” I miss her dearly in a way that words will never be able to describe.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I'm thinking of you as your grieve for your mother. My mom died 8 years ago, and while she was able to live a long life for which I am very grateful, I still miss her so much....every holiday, every special occasion, every day.